Brain chemistry, books, and breasts…

…a post brought to you by the letter “B”.

First, brain chemistry.

I have weird sleeping habits. I have always had weird sleeping habits. I’m most wide awake about eleven or twelve o’clock at night, and when the sun starts to come up, that’s when I start to crash. My body appears quite fixed on this quixotic schedule; I adapt quit quickly when I travel across time zones, and end up on the same sleeping cycle.

It’s really inconvenient. In fact, in high school, the only way I survived was to sleep in shifts; I’d go to sleep for a few hours right after getting home, wake up about 8 PM, stay up ’til 2 or 3, then go to sleep again for a few hours.

At one point when i was a kid, my parents actually took me to a doctor about it. He claims that while most people can alter their normal sleep/wake cycles just by changing the time that they get up or go to bed, there is a small minority of the human population for whom the Circadian rhythm is simply fixed and won’t budge, and that’s that.

That’s not the interesting bit; that’s just the background. The interesting bit is what happens when you mess with brain chemistry.

See, I have a new doctor. And when I went in to see him for the first time, I talked to him about my weird sleep schedule. And he, being apparently a practical jokester,decided he’d prescribe Ambien to me, to see if it’d sledgehammer my sleep schedule to something a bit more normal.

Folks, Ambien is some seriously scary shit.

A lot of folks have some pretty bizarre side effects. i didn’t get the really strange ones, like sleep amnesia (which is a pity, because I think it’d be fun to play with in a BDSM context–wake up one morning curled up next to my partner, with bruises all over my body and a pile of sex toys scattered around the bed, and with absolutely no memory of what happened until she handed me the videotape…but I digress.)

What I did get was a complete, radical overhaul of my internal perceptions of hunger.

See, for the most part, I’ve never really felt hungry. I mean, sure, if I go for a long time without eating, I’d get all shaky and stuff, and then I’d think “Oh yeah! I haven’t eaten in seven hours. Reckon I might want to see to that.”

But it’s never been intrusive, you know? Like, it’s never been something that I get all “OMG I can’t concentrate if I don’t eat RIGHT NOW.” And for the most part, that’s how I like my biological needs…non-intrusive. I resent them as it is; to have them pressing on me all the time, demanding to be taken care of, would just be awful.

But a week after I started on Ambien, I started waking up at 4 AM starving. I mean, in a very literal sense, hungry like I have never experienced hunger before. I’m talking like “I am so starving that if I don’t eat right this minute NOW DAMMIT NOW I am going to DIE.” For the first time in my entire life, I have an appreciation for what the phrase “hunger pains” actually means.

And I’d try to eat, but couldn’t, because…well, I wasn’t really hungry. It was a strictly internal, brain-chemistry thing.

And it was miserable. So much so that I quit taking the Ambien.

Now, three months later, my sense of hunger is still distorted. I stopped waking up with phantom hunger. Bu my perception of hunger is still much stronger and sharper than it has ever been in my life, and I do not much cotton to that.

Ambien: It’s the reverse of a diet pill! Fucking brain chemistry anyway.


So I got a big pile of books from Amazon yesterday, with a second big pile of books scheduled to arrive today. And I still have $30 in credit from!

Which, I discovered completely by accident while I was looking for old-school steel manacles to affix to the Monkey Rocker, also sells BDSM gear. When did Amazon start selling BDSM gear, and why wasn’t I notified?

Not only do they sell BDSM gear, they sell straitjackets. Brand-new straitjackets. In black!

For $29.

And I still have $30 in credit.

Let me repeat that, because I know it’s too much awesomeness to sink in all at once. I found a place that sells straitjackets. For twenty-nine dollars. And I have a thirty dollar store credit from this place.

*is blown away by the cool*

And finally:

_luaineach is doing a fundraiser to support breast cancer research.

Specifically, she’s doing a 60-mile walk to raise money for cancer research. And there’s a minimum threshold of pledges she has to reach in order to be able to do the walking part. Which sounds like a feature and not a bug to me, but it’d still be a shame if all the training she’s been doing goes to waste. You can find out more here.

The shoe falls not far from the tree

So. An update on the income tax problems I’ve been dealing with of late: As I predicted, the IRS has been in contact with me again.

Saturday, I received a lengthy letter from the fine folks in the IRS explaining their current take on my situation. Apparently, they had assigned a team of auditors to combing through my 2006 tax return (a team? Really? I warrant the attention of a team of people at the IRS?), and that team had discovered certain…irregularities in my tax return. The very one that at first they claimed I didn’t file.

Anyway, it turns out, or so they say, that I somehow neglected to take a deduction to which I was entitled, with the result being that I overpaid my 2006 taxes by one hundred and forty-four dollars and seventeen cents.

Which explains the check I got in the mail last week.

So that’s, y’know, sorted and all, and apparently the IRS now considers the whole matter closed. Hell, if that’s what happens every time I get audited, they can audit me whenever they like!

In news of the less-good variety, my roommate David’s situation is not much improved after we were hit by a car on the way home from work.

The car that hit us was owned by a company, not an individual. The guy who hit us was unlicensed, had no ID, and was apparently illegal as well. Since then, David’s been on the phone with his insurance and with the company’s insurance for endless hours.

The guy who owns the company has been…um, “recalcitrant” would be a kind word for it. “A fucking double-barreled asshole with a side order of assholesauce” would be better. He’s been refusing to talk to his own insurance company about the accident, has been evading phone calls, and has generally made himself so disagreeable and unpleasant that his insurance company has canceled his policy and denied the claim. (There is, as it turns out, a clause in his policy specifying that he is obligated to cooperate with his insurance policy in the event of an accident.)

So David’s not getting anything from the owner’s insurance. The good news is that he has uninsured motorist coverage; the bad news is that it’s got a $1500 deductible, and his car is worth…well, you can guess the rest.

The only ray of hope in all this mess is that his insurance company is pursuing the guy vigorously, and if they prevail, he’ll get the full value of his car. If, y’know, they prevail. And stuff.

In honor of the current political situation in the US…

…and the Religious Right’s unceasing, relentless assault on freedom in the name of their narrow, parochial “morality,” and in light of the fact that there seems to be a never-ending obsession among certain political groups to tell us all how to have sex, under what circumstances to have sex, and even who to have sex with, I have created this new user pic.

I know there are a lot of folks on my friends list who are as appalled as I am about the idea that a government should find it appropriate to insert its nose under its citizens’ bedsheets. If you feel the way I do about this, please feel free to use this icon however you like. I’ve built it in two sizes, 100×100 pixels (for LiveJournal and other sites that use this size avatar) and 80×80 pixels (for forums and sites that use the smaller size avatar).

100×100 pixels

80×80 pixels

Waiting for the other shoe to drop

So as regular readers know, I’ve been having some problems with the IRS lately. At first they said they’d never received my 2006 tax returns (in spite of the fact that they cashed my check on April 16, in what has to be the only display of government efficiency I’ve ever witnessed), and then later told me that I needed to fill out some form dealing with income and expenses from my rental properties (despite the fact that I’ve…err, never owned any).

Well, yesterday they finally acknowledged that I have, in fact, paid my 2006 taxes…

…and sent me a check for $144 and change that they appear to believe I’ve overpaid.

I’m holding off on the celebration, though. Next month, I’m certain I’ll receive a letter from them saying “You know that check we just sent you? We’d like it back now, kthx. With interest.” Because, I don’t know, they’ll think i didn’t properly itemize my deductions from expenses incurred while invading France or something.

I knew my taxes were complicated, but apparently they’re too complicated even for the IRS to figure out.

Some thoughts on human sexuality

[Edit] The map has been updated since this post was made! The new, improved version is here.

Some time ago, a person named Katharine Gates designed a map of human sexuality. Her Web site appears to be defunct now, but the map has recently gained exposure in other places.

My first impression upon seeing this fetish map was that it was woefully incomplete. About the same time as I became aware of this attempt to map the range of human fetishes and sexual activity, I also saw a conversation on another forum in which a woman was complaining that she wanted to spice up her sex life, but she didn’t want to do too much, because if she did too much too fast then by the time she was 30 she’d have done every sexual act there was to do, and where would she be able to find sexual ideas after that?

That particular conversation, and another with an 18-year-old who claimed to be “bored with sex” because he’d “done it all,” got me to thinking about the range of the human sexual condition (vast beyond all reckoning) and the range of sexual things many people think there is (tiny).

I wanted to try my hand at designing a fetish map that would be a bit more complete than Ms. Gates’, and I thought, why not do it as an actual map? One of the ideas I wanted to convey was how small most folks’ sexual experience is, how small most folks’ conception of the whole range of sexual expression is, and how vast the actual range of sexual expression is. And, I thought, a map of an imaginary world might be a way to do that.

So here it is, the first version of what I’m sure will be many revisions of the Land of Human Sexuality. (Clicky on this map to see a bigger version. A much, much, much, MUCH bigger version.)

The land of most folks’ awareness is the Island of Mundania and the surrounding islands. Across the Straits of Fear is the portion of the continent that folks are generally aware of to some extent (gay sex, threesomes, light bondage, and so on). Beyond the Great Barrier Mountains and the Lesser Barrier Mountains, which demarcate the limits of common knowledge of different fetishes, lie the more exotic forms of sexual expression (natori, shibari, cosplay, fisting, puppy play, and so forth). In the frigid arctic wastes to the far north are those activities which only a very, very tiny percentage even of veteran, seasoned kinksters finds appealing (nullification, erotic cannibalism, necrophilia, and that sort of thing).

There’s no particular meaning to the size or color of the various areas; it’d be an impossible task to try to, for example, figure out how many furries there are compared to how many folks are into TENS units. Likewise, some of the activities listed could reasonably belong to more than one classification, and some things (like “gay sex”) are within the realm of knowledge of most folks but aren’t really activities per se (most sexual activities not requiring physical possession of a penis or a vagina can be done by people of any sex or sexual orientation). Nevertheless, when folks think of “sexual things to do,” gay sex does seem to be considered its own thing, even though it’s not actually an activity by itself, so it’s on the map–right across the Straits of Fear.

Anyway, I’d love to hear feedback and commentary on this map. I’v actually been working on it for quite a long time, and I suspect it’s still a work in progress–I know there are things I’ve forgotten. (It’s hard work trying to remember every form of fetish out there!)

Fragments of Los Angeles: Fucking Machines

I’ve always been fascinated by fucking machines. The idea of a mechanical contraption designed and built to fuck the person riding it, relentlessly and tirelessly, appeals to the mad scientist in me. In fact, I could easily see myself making a living designing and building fucking machines, were it not for the fact that I lack patience and attention to detail, two qualities of incalculable value in the performance of said job functions.

Indeed, I’ve always wanted to own a steam-powered fucking machine, because the notion of such a thing appeals to my sensibilities on so many levels. It strikes me as being at once quintessentially steampunk and also a repudiation of Victorian social mores; and besides, how awesome would it be to have a partner being fucked by an enormous, clanking machine with jets of steam issuing out of it, while I cackle with glee and scamper around tending to the boiler and oiling the various parts of the machine with an oil can?

Ahem. But I digress. In any event, such a machine would be impractically big and unreasonably dangerous, and conversations with physicsduck about the practical realities of such a machine soon dashed any hopes that I might one day own such a thing.

However, I still like fucking machines, and on my trip to Los Angeles I met a couple of folks who do make their living designing and selling such machines. And they gave me one. Which is–get this–designed to accommodate two people at once.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the Monkey Rocker Tango: The rest is even less safe for work