Yes, it’s official, we’re moving to Boston

There are a number of reasons for this, which I’ll get into later. For now, we need to start cleaning up the house to get it ready for the realtor to show, we need to get a bunch of stuff on eBay, we need to do eleventy-zillion things, so…

…Kelly’s visiting friends this evening, and Shelly and I are going to play Empire Earth until our eyes bleed.

26 thoughts on “Yes, it’s official, we’re moving to Boston

  1. We’re planning on moving some time in August (a lot will depend on how long it takes to sell the house), but we’ll be meeting you when we’re up there visiting in two weeks, yes?

  2. Yes, it’s official, you suck. 😉

    To be completely clear, I’m very happy for all of you. It’ll be a grand adventure, and I admire your ability to follow your desires.

    That said, damn you! Here are three completely selfish reasons why you should stay. Two of them are true (at least more or less), and one is an utter fabrication on my part (yes, just *one*):

    1. You’ll all be missed here! The Smoosh and I are all terribly fond of you guys!
    2. Re-tasking my killer satellites to include Boston in the target footprint is gonna be a bitch, and may require moving the entire constellation into a polar orbit, which will require more fuel than most of them have remaining on board. Curse you!
    3. We’ve just begun construction on Ryan 3.0, and will most likely only have the prototype ready to deliver spinning metal death to you and whatever pathetic bio-engineered nuisances you’ve come up with before you leave!

  3. Yes, it’s official, you suck. 😉

    To be completely clear, I’m very happy for all of you. It’ll be a grand adventure, and I admire your ability to follow your desires.

    That said, damn you! Here are three completely selfish reasons why you should stay. Two of them are true (at least more or less), and one is an utter fabrication on my part (yes, just *one*):

    1. You’ll all be missed here! The Smoosh and I are all terribly fond of you guys!
    2. Re-tasking my killer satellites to include Boston in the target footprint is gonna be a bitch, and may require moving the entire constellation into a polar orbit, which will require more fuel than most of them have remaining on board. Curse you!
    3. We’ve just begun construction on Ryan 3.0, and will most likely only have the prototype ready to deliver spinning metal death to you and whatever pathetic bio-engineered nuisances you’ve come up with before you leave!

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