What kind of spiritual ideas do YOU have?

On a mailing list I subscribe to, someone recently asked me if I subscribe to any philosophical or spiritual beliefs, and what they are. If you don’t care, then I won’t bother you with the answer; otherwise:

I am an extropian. Put most simply, what that means is that I believe a system’s capacity for intelligence and information can and generally does improve over time.

Put more completely, it means that I believe the human potential, as with the potential of any complex, dynamic, evolving system, is open-ended. I believe that human systems tend over time to amass increasing amounts of knowledge and understanding about, and ability to control and manipulate, the physical world; that there are no arbitrary upper limits on that increase save for those imposed by the laws of physics themselves; and that as a consequence of this increasing capacity for information and ability, complex systems such as human societies tend toward an increasing capacity for freedom of action, including an increasing capacity for overcoming obstacles and limitations.

I have faith in the human potential. I think history demonstrates that human beings have continually improved their ability to understand the physical world, and that as that understanding increases, we gain the ability to do amost anything in the physical world not prohibited by the laws of physics. That includes extending our knowledge of ourselves and other biological systems to the point where many biological constraints we take for granted today, including processes such as ageing, can be controlled; extending our knowledge of materials sciences to the point where we can manipulate matter on a structural and atomic level in almost any way not prohibited by physics, including the ability to engineer structures on levels both far smaller and far larger than what we can do today; and so on.

I also believe that the universe operates according to principles which are knowable, observable, and comprehensible; and that rational and analytical thought, combined with experimentation and empirical observation, are tools with which those fundamental principles can be understood. I believe that constantly challenging ideas, including the ideas that I’ve laid out here, is a necessary and vital part of understanding the natural world, and that those who do not challenge their own ideas are fundamentally and fatally handicapped in their ability to progress.

16 thoughts on “What kind of spiritual ideas do YOU have?

      • BEST DO IT SO

        BEST DO IT SO
        by E. Shaun Russell

        At the hem of the galaxy I’m always free
        Optimistically dynamic, dynamic optimistically
        When I can see things that others do not know
        I am confident in my competence to best do it so

        I know that I could turn back and obey the propounds
        But there’s no way I’d forego the prospect of expanding my bounds
        For I shall surpass the limits of where most men fear to go
        Grasp the opportunity to best do it so

        My ordered spontaneity
        My interstellar gaiety
        Be exactly what I want to be
        To do it best, I do it free

        The only way to keep myself from stagnation
        Is to continuously adjust my thoughts –self transformation
        To go beyond invisible bounds is a sure way for me to grow
        Go where I desire, best do it so

        Individuality can lead to originality
        Pursue a distant goal, manifest this stellar quality
        The power is within you, there is nothing to bestow
        Transcend the moral boundaries and best do it so

        Ordered spontaneity
        Interstellar gaiety
        Be exactly what you want to be
        You will do it best if you do it free
        Hindrances transgressed
        Never cease to be the best
        Go farther than all others go
        Be free –best do it so
        Unveil sacrosanct mysteries
        Prove the faults of histories
        Outward travel evermore
        Best do it so, best you explore

    • Actually, I’d think that would make you the *best* archnemesis. I’m reminded of Magneto and Prof. X — the two of them had *so* much in common insofar as their ultimate goals; it was in their tactics and motives that the conflict arose. As a result, certain actions of the one helped to advance the cause of the other.

      Why do *all* the work if your archnemesis can do most of it, and you just step in at the end and take control and credit for it?

    • What a strange bunch of people. I especially liked the guy that thought Thanatos would ‘Get a body’ and destroy all mankind. He’s quoting a piece of fiction there isn’t he?

      Most of these anti-transhums seem to have this concept that they know exactly what ‘mankind’ will do if it transcends humanity. How can you be so arrogant as to assume you know anything about what post-humanity can be? By definition, we can’t really imagine anything beyond the singularity.

      And all of that aside, what are our alternatives? Transhuminisum is just the natural extension of the medical and scientific endeavor that mankind has been engaging in since we made fire. Should we outlaw innovation? Dumb down all those who seek to improve the human condition?

      At what point to we say, “Ok. Humanity knows enough now. No more research, innovation or improvement from this day forward”?

      OH well. Like the Luddites of the 1900’s, these people will simply cease to be relevant when they are left behind.

  1. What a strange bunch of people. I especially liked the guy that thought Thanatos would ‘Get a body’ and destroy all mankind. He’s quoting a piece of fiction there isn’t he?

    Most of these anti-transhums seem to have this concept that they know exactly what ‘mankind’ will do if it transcends humanity. How can you be so arrogant as to assume you know anything about what post-humanity can be? By definition, we can’t really imagine anything beyond the singularity.

    And all of that aside, what are our alternatives? Transhuminisum is just the natural extension of the medical and scientific endeavor that mankind has been engaging in since we made fire. Should we outlaw innovation? Dumb down all those who seek to improve the human condition?

    At what point to we say, “Ok. Humanity knows enough now. No more research, innovation or improvement from this day forward”?

    OH well. Like the Luddites of the 1900’s, these people will simply cease to be relevant when they are left behind.


    by E. Shaun Russell

    At the hem of the galaxy I’m always free
    Optimistically dynamic, dynamic optimistically
    When I can see things that others do not know
    I am confident in my competence to best do it so

    I know that I could turn back and obey the propounds
    But there’s no way I’d forego the prospect of expanding my bounds
    For I shall surpass the limits of where most men fear to go
    Grasp the opportunity to best do it so

    My ordered spontaneity
    My interstellar gaiety
    Be exactly what I want to be
    To do it best, I do it free

    The only way to keep myself from stagnation
    Is to continuously adjust my thoughts –self transformation
    To go beyond invisible bounds is a sure way for me to grow
    Go where I desire, best do it so

    Individuality can lead to originality
    Pursue a distant goal, manifest this stellar quality
    The power is within you, there is nothing to bestow
    Transcend the moral boundaries and best do it so

    Ordered spontaneity
    Interstellar gaiety
    Be exactly what you want to be
    You will do it best if you do it free
    Hindrances transgressed
    Never cease to be the best
    Go farther than all others go
    Be free –best do it so
    Unveil sacrosanct mysteries
    Prove the faults of histories
    Outward travel evermore
    Best do it so, best you explore

  3. Actually, I’d think that would make you the *best* archnemesis. I’m reminded of Magneto and Prof. X — the two of them had *so* much in common insofar as their ultimate goals; it was in their tactics and motives that the conflict arose. As a result, certain actions of the one helped to advance the cause of the other.

    Why do *all* the work if your archnemesis can do most of it, and you just step in at the end and take control and credit for it?

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