Email o’ the Week: Beta Male

This just landed in my inbox from the More Than Two contact page. Formatting as in the original.

To: Franklin <>
From: Mrkoolio [email address redacted]
Subject: New Message From More Than Two – Contact Us

Dude…Buck up and have a back bone. When she wants to see other people it is because you are not fulfflling a need or you are not the one. It is exactly what you feel when you are not in love. This never works unless everyone is banging around at the same time. This is, “I want to screw other people, but if they dump me …it will be great to run back to you and you can help pay the bills too. If she meets a guy that does it for her, she will all of a sudden become monogamous. I can tell you are a beta by looking at you. Hand out with the alpha males a copy them. And the next time a chick says “I am poly.” You say,” good for you ….I am gone”. Or you can do the laundry while she is out banging around. Don’t be a pussy. Deep down…girls want a tough confident man….listen to Tom leykis. Let me guess, u were raised by a single mom who taught you all this bs….grow a pair….it will be so much better

I am a beta. He can tell by looking at me. So now you know.