I for one welcome our new robot overlords

Foster-Miller, Inc., now part of QinetiQ North America, is a technology and product development company with an international reputation for delivering innovative products and systems that perform under the most demanding conditions.

Did I say overlords? I meant protectors.

26 thoughts on “I for one welcome our new robot overlords

  1. Remember the good old days when people killed people

    Remember that moment when you are at the top of the roller coaster and you can feel the car just start to slip down the slope. I think this wee little tracked beastie is that moment. Now if only we know where the tracks led. Do we get the Skynet future with wall to wall skull carpeting or some other kinder future where robots fight each other for our amusement while we tryst with our pleasure droids? Or perhaps we watch pleasure droids fight while we make out with automated gun platforms. The future is a hazy place but if there is anything I can predict is all of the above will be available for viewing online.

    • It’s like “Choose Your Own Utopia!”

      I’m sorry, I’m having some trouble parsing your scenario. Can you rephrase it? Judging by the syntax, I can tell that you’re laying out three distinct options, but as I ponder each one I’m unable to discern any meaningful difference between them.

      As for your unreasonable aversion to the idea of machines gunning down humans in cold blood, your options for adapting to this inevitable reality boil down to two strategies. One of them is short and unpleasant.

      • Re: It’s like “Choose Your Own Utopia!”

        Tsk. Clearly, it is not inevitable that machines will begin gunning down humans in cold blood. Depending on the specific design architectures involved, the machines in question may not have blood, or any analog thereof.

    • Re: Remember the good old days when people killed people

      So, um…what’s the difference, exactly, between a killer droid and a pleasure droid? Is thos one of those “to-MA-to, to-MAH-to” things?

  2. Remember the good old days when people killed people

    Remember that moment when you are at the top of the roller coaster and you can feel the car just start to slip down the slope. I think this wee little tracked beastie is that moment. Now if only we know where the tracks led. Do we get the Skynet future with wall to wall skull carpeting or some other kinder future where robots fight each other for our amusement while we tryst with our pleasure droids? Or perhaps we watch pleasure droids fight while we make out with automated gun platforms. The future is a hazy place but if there is anything I can predict is all of the above will be available for viewing online.

  3. Overlords… protectors… just depends on which way that barrel’s pointing.

    Please tell me that the system is somehow linked to a bit computer network called Skynet 🙂

  4. Overlords… protectors… just depends on which way that barrel’s pointing.

    Please tell me that the system is somehow linked to a bit computer network called Skynet 🙂

  5. It’s like “Choose Your Own Utopia!”

    I’m sorry, I’m having some trouble parsing your scenario. Can you rephrase it? Judging by the syntax, I can tell that you’re laying out three distinct options, but as I ponder each one I’m unable to discern any meaningful difference between them.

    As for your unreasonable aversion to the idea of machines gunning down humans in cold blood, your options for adapting to this inevitable reality boil down to two strategies. One of them is short and unpleasant.

  6. Re: It’s like “Choose Your Own Utopia!”

    Tsk. Clearly, it is not inevitable that machines will begin gunning down humans in cold blood. Depending on the specific design architectures involved, the machines in question may not have blood, or any analog thereof.

  7. Re: Remember the good old days when people killed people

    So, um…what’s the difference, exactly, between a killer droid and a pleasure droid? Is thos one of those “to-MA-to, to-MAH-to” things?

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