Freaky, freaky, freaky stuff

Beneath the cut is an image created as part of a French AIDS awareness poster series, which has been making the rounds of the Internet lately. It’s work-safe, at least in the sense that there’s nothing particularly indecent about it (it was designed for public display, after all), but…

It is BAD and WRONG that this image gets me hot.

44 thoughts on “Freaky, freaky, freaky stuff

  1. It is BAD and WRONG that this image gets me hot.

    Wow. The fact that I’m not attracted to guys has just dropped to the number 2 reason why I’ll never have sex with you.

  2. It is BAD and WRONG that this image gets me hot.

    Wow. The fact that I’m not attracted to guys has just dropped to the number 2 reason why I’ll never have sex with you.

    • Y’know, I really just don’t know. Araneaepihilia isn’t one of my areas of specialized or practical knowledge…

      One does hope, however, that the spider in question is male rather than female, due to female spiders’ sometimes…unfortunate choices in post-coitus snacks.

      • Re: the fly paste remark

        Oral sex is all about self-control, be ye human or arachnid. The term “eating someone out” should never be taken literally.

        Any spider suave enough to seduce such a couch-sprawled lady lives self-control.

  3. Y’know, I really just don’t know. Araneaepihilia isn’t one of my areas of specialized or practical knowledge…

    One does hope, however, that the spider in question is male rather than female, due to female spiders’ sometimes…unfortunate choices in post-coitus snacks.

  4. Agreed.

    There’s a whole series of ads like these, all featuring bugs as stand-in for STDs. I wish I knew where they were cached online, but unfortunately, I’ve only seen ’em at a friend’s house where he had them on his hard drive.

  5. Re: the fly paste remark

    Oral sex is all about self-control, be ye human or arachnid. The term “eating someone out” should never be taken literally.

    Any spider suave enough to seduce such a couch-sprawled lady lives self-control.

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