Worst. Movie. Ever.

No, not another rant about Maximum Overdrive.

Saturday, zensidhe hosted a birthday party, and just because he’s that kind of person, he had a screening of The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra.

Now, there’s some debate as to whether or not a movie can qualify as “worst movie ever” if it tries to be bad–and this movie tries to be bad, really, really hard. It’s a parody of everything from Plan 9 from Outer Space to Creature from the Black Lagoon, and it manages to throw in every single science-fiction/horror cliche known to man. The script allegedly took five days to write, and as near as I can tell, the other four days were spent making the dialog worse–nobody, but nobody, gets dialog that awful on the first go-round.

“We gave up messes eons of your Earth years ago.”

“If I wanted a safe life, I wouldn’t have married a man who studies rocks for a living!”

If you like that kindof thing, it’s the kind of thing you’ll like.

8 thoughts on “Worst. Movie. Ever.

  1. “Together we can rule the world together!”

    “Aliens? Is this one of your Earth jokes?”

    “I like your cloth tube also betty.”

    “You know what this can mean to science Betty. It can mean actual advances in the field of science.”

  2. “Together we can rule the world together!”

    “Aliens? Is this one of your Earth jokes?”

    “I like your cloth tube also betty.”

    “You know what this can mean to science Betty. It can mean actual advances in the field of science.”

  3. ‘But don’t the Amish live in the open air?’ ‘Yes, it would be cruel to keep them under glass.’

    ‘We take our mutilations seriously around here.’

  4. ‘But don’t the Amish live in the open air?’ ‘Yes, it would be cruel to keep them under glass.’

    ‘We take our mutilations seriously around here.’

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