So, as it turns out…

…Shelly and I will be in Boston the last few days of April and first few days of May, to visit the lovely ladytabitha.

I know a few people on my friends list are in that part of the world; we’re going to spend some time with roaming, which I’m looking forward to. So, anyone else? ectropy? starkaudio?

30 thoughts on “So, as it turns out…

  1. I’ve already mentioned your travel-dates to , who I saw on Saturday.  She is interested.

    I had a thought, to do a brunch sort of thing on the Saturday that yall’re here.  That way, we can drag all sortsa nift people over to meet yall, and to vice the versa.  Thoughts?

  2. I’ve already mentioned your travel-dates to , who I saw on Saturday.  She is interested.

    I had a thought, to do a brunch sort of thing on the Saturday that yall’re here.  That way, we can drag all sortsa nift people over to meet yall, and to vice the versa.  Thoughts?

  3. You mean, we’d all get to meet eachother? What a novel concept! ;-> I’ll get started on the introduction and the epilogue, you guys write the book. 🙂

    That’s a damn fine idea. We can all bring something. To eat. Yeh, that’s what I mean.

  4. I’d love to meet you when you’re in my area (greater Boston).
    BTW, I just added you to my friends’ list. We have a lot in common AND quite a few friends in common, too.

  5. I’d love to meet you when you’re in my area (greater Boston).
    BTW, I just added you to my friends’ list. We have a lot in common AND quite a few friends in common, too.

  6. Well Hmmmm.

    I think that if you do not spend some time with us the “Karmic Balance” will have some words with you. We’re looking forward to visit! I’ll start stocking up on Dew, or are you “off the sauce”? Are you setting time slots yet?

    • Re: Well Hmmmm.

      I’ve been off Dew for so long that it’s actually started tasting kind of nasty to me…

      (waiting for the thunderbolts to strike me dead)

      We’ll be up there Wednesday, April 28, and we’re heading back Sunday, May 2. is talking about having some kind of Boston LJ get-together on Saturday, which will probably include at minimum and (I think) , perhaps too… We’ll also have at least one weekday of non- time as well.

      What’s your schedule look like?

  7. Well Hmmmm.

    I think that if you do not spend some time with us the “Karmic Balance” will have some words with you. We’re looking forward to visit! I’ll start stocking up on Dew, or are you “off the sauce”? Are you setting time slots yet?

  8. “We can all bring something. To eat. Yeh, that’s what I mean.”

    In that “let’s all bring something to the table and see what we come away with” kinda way?

  9. VERY cool! In fact, I was just reading back through your journal, and nodding at the post about reading back through people’s journals… 🙂

  10. Re: Well Hmmmm.

    I’ve been off Dew for so long that it’s actually started tasting kind of nasty to me…

    (waiting for the thunderbolts to strike me dead)

    We’ll be up there Wednesday, April 28, and we’re heading back Sunday, May 2. is talking about having some kind of Boston LJ get-together on Saturday, which will probably include at minimum and (I think) , perhaps too… We’ll also have at least one weekday of non- time as well.

    What’s your schedule look like?

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