A new experiment

I’ve been hearing about this Kickstarter thing for a while.

I’ve also been wishing that I had the capital to print some more posters for a while.

So, since the two seem like a good fit, I’ve started my very first Kickstarter project.

Before you get oo excited, no, it’s not to make a poster of the Map of Non-Monogamy, though that is something I’d quite like to do. This project is a bit different; it’s a project to make a poster version of one fo the photos I took while moving across the country to the lovely city of Portland:

This project runs for 30 days. If it’s successful, I will do more in the future. If it’s successful and the poster sells well enough, I’ll be able to do more in the future without relying on Kickstarter, which would be awesome.

So. Want a poster? Click the link!