28 thoughts on “Public Service Announcement

  1. well I could…

    mail it to telemarketers?
    force someone you love to hate to sit and watch a marathon?
    teach the dog to catch the little silver frisbees?
    attach sails to them and have boat races in the bathtub?

  2. well I could…

    mail it to telemarketers?
    force someone you love to hate to sit and watch a marathon?
    teach the dog to catch the little silver frisbees?
    attach sails to them and have boat races in the bathtub?

  3. Re: well I could…

    A good friend wound up with so many useless CD’s, she started crocheting cute little CD cozies – and used them as coasters for drinks. Best use I’ve seen for them in quite some time.

  4. Ooooh, ouch!

    Torn between re-buying 1 and 4 just to get 2 and 3, albiet for an absolute bargain, and my absolute loathing of Wal-Mart! I wonder if they’re losing money on it, ’cause that’d make up my mind on it easily.

    I haven’t actually watched beyond #2, but the first one is a classic in this house! 🙂

    “Broke into the wrong goddamn rec. room, didn’t ya, you bastard!” Squee!

  5. Ooooh, ouch!

    Torn between re-buying 1 and 4 just to get 2 and 3, albiet for an absolute bargain, and my absolute loathing of Wal-Mart! I wonder if they’re losing money on it, ’cause that’d make up my mind on it easily.

    I haven’t actually watched beyond #2, but the first one is a classic in this house! 🙂

    “Broke into the wrong goddamn rec. room, didn’t ya, you bastard!” Squee!

  6. Okay, so the first one was kind of cool in a weird-ass B-movie kind of way, I could deal with the 2nd one, but the idea of a 3rd and 4th one really hurts my brain. Right now I think I’m grateful that I’d have to drive all the way down to Mountain View just to see if they have it.

  7. Okay, so the first one was kind of cool in a weird-ass B-movie kind of way, I could deal with the 2nd one, but the idea of a 3rd and 4th one really hurts my brain. Right now I think I’m grateful that I’d have to drive all the way down to Mountain View just to see if they have it.

  8. Re: well I could…

    Blasphemy! Tremors is a most excellent and entertaining movie. In fact, I daresay it is without question the single best movie ever filmed about subterranean man-eating worms that opens with a scene of Kevin Bacon urinating.

  9. Re: well I could…

    The host of Tampa Fetish Party, monthly play party, has paneled an entire wall of his house in overlapping CDs. It’s quite pretty, really.

  10. I can totally get behind that. Ordinarily, I don’t either; it takes extenuating circumstances (such as really wanting to see a movie, then realizing it’s the day of the rise of the zombie Jesus so the video stores are all closed). Wal-Mart, of course, is open on Easter, because nothing is more sacred than the dollar.

  11. I can totally get behind that. Ordinarily, I don’t either; it takes extenuating circumstances (such as really wanting to see a movie, then realizing it’s the day of the rise of the zombie Jesus so the video stores are all closed). Wal-Mart, of course, is open on Easter, because nothing is more sacred than the dollar.

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