Busy, busy week…

…and only one week left ’til the formal housewarming party of House Not Found (so named because our apartment number is 404, of course).

You should be there. Really. I mean you.

This last week or so has been an unending series of boxes to be packed, moved, and unpacked, and even with the assistance of a large number of friends, it’s been slow going. Right now, the new place is stacked eyeball high in oxes waiting to be unpacked.

Still, it’s starting to come together. Most of the computers in the computer room have been hung from the ceiling by chain, making the computer room look a bit like a cross between Hellraiser and Resident Evil, the loft bedroom is more or less assembled, and the space is gradually becoming livable.

Which is good.

On the not-so-good side, we’ve received a couple bits of bad financial news in the last week, meaning that we won’t be able to attend DragonCon after all. Disappointing, but we’ll be there next year.

On the good side, merovingian will be in town for the housewarming party next week, and that will be very cool.

Also on the good side, we were able to have lunch with an old friend, Fritz, yesterday, and learned that he too is a transhumanist…who knew? He came up with the best answer yet to the question “If you completely change your body for a totally artificial one, or upload your consciousness into a computer, will you still be recognizably yourself?” His answer: “Who cares? Life is about evolution. If you change, so what?”

And on that note, I’m going to bed.