Some thoughts on polyamory and those who hate it so

Recently, someone on one of the poly mailing lists posted a quote and asked for opinions on it. The quote itself, which condemns polyamory, looks like this:

People who claim to enjoy being `poly’ must steel themselves
against jealousy, an emotion that should, by rights, be a warning sign
that they are doing something wrong. The fact that they feel it, or
have to try desperately not to feel it when they have to share someone
they care about with someone else, is probably the clearest indication
there is that this lifestyle is not at all natural for human beings.
The proof of this lies in the fact that if it came down to it, if they
absolutely had to choose one person from their threesome or group to
be with – just one – every single one of them would be able to make
that choice. Everyone has a preference, even among people they care
about. Everyone knows the one person they want to be with more than
anyone else.

I did a quick Google search ad discovered that this quote is an excerpt from a much longer article on monogamy at

The article has a lot of problems–so many, in fact, that it’s difficult to know where to begin. The biggest problems with the article (and the quote) are sloppy reasoning, logical fallacies, prejudice, bigotry, factual untruths, and sweeping misgeneralizations.

My response to the article got a little long.

To begin at the beginning:

The article’s first mention of “polyamory” reads “The only argument that’s left, then, is that promiscuity is just more fun. It’s too boring, opponents of monogamy say. It just isn’t exciting enough, being with one person all the time. Some groups have even christened this lifestyle with an official sounding name – “polyamory” – referring to themselves as simply “poly” and maintaining, quite honestly, that they do not see the value in exclusive relationships and would rather carry on several meaningful, if transient, relationships at once.”

Already, the author is succumbing to sloppiness and flawed rhetoric, assuming that “polyamory” and “promiscuity” are one and the same, and that polyamorous people engage in “transient” relationships. This betrays a profound ignorance, one born out of the author’s desperate desire to characterize anyone who’s not monogamous as being an irrepressible horndog desperate to fuck the next hot babe.

In fact, many people who claim monogamy are quite promiscuous; serial monogamy is little more than a non-overlapping promiscuity. On the other hand, many polyamorous people form long-term, stable romantic relationships; I’ve been in simultaneous relationships which have lasted eighteen and ten years, longer than a significant number of marriages in this country. And there is a form of polyamory called “polyfidelity” in which the people involved do not have any ‘outside’ lovers at all; a polyfidelitous family looks a lot like a monogamous family, except that there happen to be more than two people involved.

But the author is not going to let facts stand in her way, oh my no. The essay goes on to say “It’s more fulfilling, they claim, sharing your life with several partners, never being truly intimate with anyone.”–which makes the absurd and rather facile argument that it is not possible to be truly intimate with someone if you have another relationship as well.

And it gets better! The author then goes on to judge all of the polyamorous community with profound and quite startling ignorance; “I might actually believe them, I might actually defer to them and acknowledge that while it doesn’t work for me, it obviously does for them. I might…if it wasn’t so painfully obvious that these people are having anything but fun, are anything but excited, and are exactly what they claim to be avoiding: bored out of their minds.”

Bored? Is she for real?

Now I don’t doubt that there are poly folk who are bored; and, for that matter, I don’t doubt that there are monogamous people who are bored. For any class of people, you can find individuals who are bored; there are lawyers who are bored, Italian Americans who are bored, redheads who are bored, you name it. Hell, *I* was bored halfway through reading that article!

But to say that poly folk in general are bored with their relationships? The author wants it to be true, no doubt–but no matter which way you slice it, it’s not. Of course, there is a word for those who say “All members of class A are B”–that word is ‘prejudice,’ and prejudice always smells bad.

Taking a bit of a side jaunt for a moment: I’m not quite sure why it is that the self-appointed guardians of social convention almost always see some need to tear down anyone not like themselves in order to build themselves up. It’s possible to write an essay on the virtues of monogamy without trying to say “all people who are not monogamous are yadda, yadda, yadda;” and in fact, for some people, monogamy is a happy, reasonable, healthy, positive choice. But there seems to be something deeply threatening about polyamory for those people who defend monogamy–it’s not enough for them to say “Monogamy is right for me;” they must also carpet-bomb others with irrational prejudice and judgment.

Monogamy, for those who practice it, has some pretty compelling advantages over polyamory. It’s a whole lot simpler, for one. For another, monogamy is an institution carefully designed and constructed to protect people from their own fears and insecurities; it creates a comfortable, safe space where they need not fear having those insecurities and fears triggered, at least for the 30% of monogamous couples whose members never cheat. And, while we’re on the subject of safety, monogamy is safer than polyamory, both physically and emotionally; physically, because monogamous couples who do not cheat will be less likely to be exposed to sexually transmitted disease; and emotionally, because the more people you open your heart to, the more likely you are to have your heart broken.

Now, those advantages are not compelling enough for me to be monogamous; nor are they compelling enough for many polyamorous folk to be monogamous. Polyamory has its advantages, too; and the safety offered by monogamy comes at a price, one that some people are willing to pay, and others are not.

Monogamy is a perfectly reasonable choice–but it is not the ONLY reasonable choice, something that those who attempt to paint everyone else with deprecating (and factually incorrect) slander don’t want anyone to believe. I wonder sometimes at their motivations for tarring everyone who makes a different choice; I suspect that, at least for some monogamists, it comes from envy, and for other monogamists, it comes from a need to keep telling themselves that polyamory is wrong lest they walk down that path themselves. (You see the same thing, from time to time, amongst the anti-gay crowd–the outspoken, rabidly homophobic gay-basher who loudly and stridently denounces homosexuality because, deep within, he’s conflicted about his own sexual identity.)

Getting back to the essay, though, the author keeps piling on the prejudice, compounding her sloppy reasoning with this tidbit: “Promiscuous people are not happy. They are always looking for fulfillment around the corner, for excitement in the next encounter, for the bigger, the better, the more outrageous. They are never satisfied with what they have, but continue to strive toward something that is always out of reach. These people attempt to replace quantity with quality, growing tired with each new adventure and moving on, unsatisfied, to the next. Soon even the briefest of relationships aren’t enough, then it must be a stranger. After strangers become boring, they decide two strangers, now that would be really exciting. But when that doesn’t work, they have to reach lower and lower, degrade themselves even more, to find that next sexual thrill. When they aren’t seeking newer and more outrageous adventures, they’re busy running away from something – emotional problems, troubled pasts, flawed ideas about the validity of love… a happy and value-driven life. The inability to find and commit to someone wonderful is a serious character flaw, not a lifestyle that should be held up as a model of human behaviour.”

Whew! You got that, people? Everyone who is polyamorous is promiscuous; everyone who is promiscuous is unhappy; everyone who is promiscuous and unhappy eventually ends up in three-ways with total strangers. There, just so you know.

Now, at this point, it would be easy, and very tempting, to say “Monogamous people are not happy” and follow it up with outrageous nonsense about how the incredible dreariness of life with one partner drives them to cheat, to seek out a thrill by tasting the forbidden fruit, until finally their desperation for something–anything–other than the same old same old tears apart their relationship, leaving their children in broken homes and their spouses emotionally devastated, and to back it up with the statistics about the rate of divorce (50%), the rate of cheating (70% of all marriages in the US will have at least one partner cheat at least once), and so on, and so on.

But you know what? It’s all bullshit. Not all monogamous people are unhappy, and not all polyamorous people are unhappy. Not all monogamous people cheat, and not all polyamorous people have three-ways with strangers. (The snarky side of me wants to say “More monogamous people will cheat than polyamorous people will have those three-ways,” but I’ll let that one go.)

And then we get to it, the quote:

“People who claim to enjoy being ‘poly’ must steel themselves against jealousy, an emotion that should, by rights, be a warning sign that they are doing something wrong. The fact that they feel it, or have to try desperately not to feel it when they have to share someone they care about with someone else, is probably the clearest indication there is that this lifestyle is not at all natural for human beings. The proof of this lies in the fact that if it came down to it, if they absolutely had to choose one person from their threesome or group to be with – just one – every single one of them would be able to make that choice. Everyone has a preference, even among people they care about. Everyone knows the one person they want to be with more than anyone else.”

What is there to say about this quote?

Well, let’s start with: it’s factually wrong, and it can be proven to be wrong. Not every poly person can choose between his or her partners; in fact, it’s offensive and insulting to suggest that it’s true, and it’s akin to saying “Every mother who has two children loves one of them best. Every mother who has two children knows, deep down inside, that she had to, she would be able to make that choice.”

Some mothers can, I’m sure; and some poly people–particularly those in primary/secondary relationships–can too. But a poly person who loses a partner can certainly be just as devastated and just as heartbroken as a monogamous person who loses a partner; contrary to the author’s limited and mistaken understanding, it is indeed possible to be emotionally intimate with more than one person at a time, and guess what? A person who has two partners just might be equally devastated at losing *either* of them! You see, what the author completely misses is the whole foundation of this entire “romantic relationship” business: PEOPLE ARE NOT INTERCHANGEABLE COMMODITIES.

And, of course, there’s the not inconsiderable fact that not all poly people feel jealousy.

But let’s overlook the factual misstatements. Let’s assume, just hypothetically, that all the author’s little tacit assumptions and all the little unspoken assertions are 100% true. Even then, this passage STILL doesn’t hold water, because it rests on flawed logic and fallacy.

Let’s consider. “People who claim to enjoy being ‘poly’ must steel themselves against jealousy, an emotion that should, by rights, be a warning sign that they are doing something wrong.” That ‘something wrong’ is ‘non-monogamy.’ For some people, no doubt, this is the case. Yet people feel jealous even in monogamous relationships–not all poly people feel jealousy, and not all monogamous people are free from jealousy. So it’s possible–just possible–that jealousy is not *necessarily* rooted in issues of sexual fidelity at all! Assuming for the sake of argument that a poly person feels jealous–does that show that all non-monogamy is the problem? Or does it show that something in that person’s specific situation is the problem? Or does it show that–watch out, this is going to get rough–something *within that person* is the problem?

There, I said it.

Not all jealousy is rational; not all jealousy is warranted; not all jealousy is justified. Sometimes, it is; sometimes, jealousy is a clear and valid signal that something is wrong. But every so often, jealousy is actually a symptom of something else–some problem within a person’s self-esteem, or with a person’s self-image or security–and maybe, just maybe, that person might benefit by examining his fears, and challenging his self-image.

Funny thing about that kind of jealousy–it doesn’t even have to be prompted by anything related to sexual fidelity at all. People can be jealous of their partners’ family, hobbies, jobs, even pets. Monogamy provides cushions against fear and insecurity, but they aren’t perfect, and if a person is insecure, that insecurity will find a way to manifest, believe me.

As for this lifestyle “being not at all natural for humans”–all I can say at this point is the author is smoking crack. If we look throughout human history, we see that the only lifestyle which appears not to be natural for human beings is monogamy. Throughout all of history, in every culture and at every point in time, the predominant and most common of all sexual arrangements has been one man with many women; sexual relationships have historically been about power, possession, inheritance, property, and politics, not about love or romance. The notion of the nuclear family is very new, and indeed is virtually nonexistent before the nineteenth century.

If we look at the record, it’s polygon, not monogamy, that’s the natural order of human beings. Frankly, I think polyamory’s application of a bit of gender equality to the equation is a benefit.

But wait, there’s more! Having mischaracterized polyamory as being the same thing as promiscuity, having issued sweeping and ludicrous generalizations about promiscuity that would have all polyamorous people fucking strangers in the alleyways, and having buttressed this argument with a dose of good old-fashioned logical fallacy, the author then goes on to crawl behind the eyes of every single polyamorous person in the entire world, and (surprise!) finds that all of them, every single one, from every walk of life, feels exactly the same thing:

“There’s a loneliness that pervades those who simply flit from one person to the next, a sense that they are missing out on something profound and real.”

The only thing I can possibly imagine that would lead to this conclusion is the real tendency of people to re-create the world in their own image. Who knows? Perhaps the author was promiscuous at one point, felt something was missing, and found what she was searching for in monogamy. If so, hey! That’s cool; she discovered a path that’s right for her, and the net sum total of human happiness went up.

But to assume that the same is true of everyone–to assume that every polyamorous person is lonely and “flits from one person to the next” (because poly people are promiscuous, even the polyfidelitous ones, remember?) is just asinine. It’s about like saying “all Asians are good at math” or “all women want to be raped”–it makes assumptions about an entire class of people when reality shows us that the truth about human beings is our startling variation. There is more to the human experience, more breadth and depth in the human condition, than is dreamed of in her philosophy, much as she might try to put us all in the same box.

It’s kind of annoying, really; you can’t even say “All people have two legs,’ so to say that all people have some emotional experience or all people live in the same emotional reality is inane beyond words.

But even a stopped watch is right twice a day. As uninformed and preposterous as this fatuous essay is, there is some truth in it. She says, “If you understand, as I mentioned before, that sex for humans is as much about the mind as it is the body, then it makes perfect sense that the most fulfilling sex occurs within a mutually, loving, trusting relationship”–and in that regard, at least in my experience, she’s spot-on. The only part she gets wrong is assuming that that intimacy is denied anyone with two partners.

It doesn’t last, though. The very next statement–“Being with one person you love allows you a level of freedom and creativity that you can’t possible enjoy with strangers”–commits one of my favorite of all logical fallacies, the Fallacy of False Dichotomy.

At this point, it’s probably fair to pause for a minute and explain what that means. “Fallacy” is based on the Latin for “deceitful,” and in modern English means “an erroneous idea.” “Dichotomy” is from the Greek word for “division,” and means “of or pertaining to two mutually exclusive groups.” The Fallacy of False Dichotomy is a logical error in which the argument wrongly assumes that only two possibilities are present, and if a thing does not fit one of those possibilities, it therefore must fit on the other. “You are either a Christian or an atheist” is one example of the Fallacy of False Dichotomy; there are people who are neither.

Our author, who hasn’t been one to let a few factual or logical errors stop her before, continues the trend here, assuming that the only two possibilities are that you’re monogamous or you’re fucking strangers. There are other possibilities; naming them will be left as an exercise to the reader.

Of course, a little political correctness doesn’t stop her, either; in the very next sentences, she says, “The intimate bond you form with the person whose character you love as much as their body allows you to explore the dominant and submissive aspects of your natures, without worrying about political correctness or misunderstandings”–which seems, somewhat bizarrely, to be advocating BDSM within the context of monogamy.

Allllllllllllllrighty, then.

Moving RIGHT along, as I don’t really want to touch THAT one with a ten-foot dildo strapped to a reciprocating saw, we are solemnly informed “With most casual relationships, sex is a special occasion. It is the ultimate goal of the relationship, yet the one thing that always eludes the players, who chase after it and connive ways to get it and who ultimately only get to enjoy it with relative infrequency. Monogamy provides you with an opportunity to enjoy sex every day of your life, in every way, infusing even your non-sexual moments with a tinge of excitement and expectation. Spontaneity is much easier when you’re married to your lover.”

An astute reader would likely argue that what we’re actually talking about here is proximity–spontaneity is much easier if you’re LIVING WITH your lover, regardless of whether there’s a state certificate hanging on the kitchen wall. And that’s true, which is why many poly folk like the notion of living with their lovers; you think spontaneity is easy when you’re living with one partner, try living with two!

The essay kind of muddles off at that point, talking about how enriching it is to stroke your lover’s penis while watching TV (presumably this is better if you’re watching Lexx than Monday Night Football, not that I’d know as I never watch football but have watched Lexx while snuggled between two absolutely delightful people). I know some families with young children who might disagree about the spontaneity, but we’ll leave that for another day.

And now that I think about it, perhaps penis-stroking during “Lexx” is a bit too creepy after all.

Link o’ the day…

Ganked from sarahmichigan: Evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins explains why God is a delusion, religion is a virus, and America has slipped back into the Dark Ages.

He doesn’t pull any punches:

Bush and bin Laden are really on the same side: the side of faith and violence against the side of reason and discussion. Both have implacable faith that they are right and the other is evil. Each believes that when he dies he is going to heaven. Each believes that if he could kill the other, his path to paradise in the next world would be even swifter. The delusional “next world” is welcome to both of them. This world would be a much better place without either of them.

The only complaint that I have with Dawkins is that he’s clearly not an extropian:

How would we be better off without religion?

We’d all be freed to concentrate on the only life we are ever going to have.

As an Alcor member, I’m sincerely betting that there’s a non-religious way to have more than one shot at life…

Some fun stuff, and a quiz!

We’ve been spending a lot of time with phyrra and nihilus lately; the Lingerie LAN Party was a blast, even if everyone did play World of Warcraft and Matrix Online exclusively. I was hoping for the opportunity to crush datan0de in my iron fist in Tiberian Sun, but perhaps next time. (I can only crush him at Tiberian Sun when we’re at a LAN party because it doesn’t work directly over TCP/IP; it works over IPX, and Git doesn’t seem to work with it.)

Also been spending a lot of time with S lately. We went clubbing with her and some of her friends last night (which might account for the fuzzyheadedness today), and had a blast.

True conversation with someone I met there last night:

Me: “I’m sorry, I’ve totally forgotten your name. What was it again?”
Her: “Nikki. It’s easy to remember. Just think of the Prince song when you think of me.
Me: “Hmm. Now that leads me to another question…”
Her: “Yes.”
Me: “Is that the answer to the question?”
Her: “Yes.”

So, on a completely unrelated note, here’s the quiz:

Sex is interesting only when it’s dysfunctional. The procreation part is boring; what makes it compelling is the fucked-up stuff it does to our heads.

Quote of the Day

Courtesy of papertygre‘s quotefile:

“The brain is not an organ of thinking but an organ of survival, like claws and fangs. It is made in such a way as to make us accept as truth that which is only advantage. It is an exceptional, almost pathological constitution one has, if one follows thoughts logically through, regardless of consequences. Such people make martyrs, apostles, or scientists, and mostly end on the stake, or in a chair, electric or academic.”

—Albert Szent-Gyorgi

Oh. My. God.
That. Is. The. Most. Brilliant. Observation. Ever.

Some thoughts on hysteria and Chinese fortune cookies

Last night, we ordered Chinese take-out. Generally, when I eat Chinese take-out, my fortune cookies don’t have anything interesting to say; I think I get the short-bus fortune cookies, the ones that had to stay after school taking extra classes in Remedial Philosophy and Pre-College Wisdom.

Last night’s fortune cookie, though, was different. It said:

The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next.

There’s some truth in that–but sadly, not enough, especially in a time where culture, philosophy, social values, and particularly technology can change more in five years than they used to change in five decades.

I’m not even talking about formal institutions, such as the Catholoc Church (which generally runs about three centures behind; in 1979, Pope John Paul II instructed the Church to re-investigate the case of Galileo Galilei, and in 1992, after thirteen years of investigation and 378 years after Galileo was first accused of heresy, the Pope formally acknowledged that the Church had been wrong to condemn Galileo’s notion that the earth moved ’round the sun).

It’s easy to point to institutions of rigid orthodoxy and say “Sure, these institutions have trouble adapting–of course they’re always going to be behind the curve.” But it’s not just the Catholic Church; it’s all of us. Every decade or so, some social or technological innovation undermines some sacred notion that we’ve always believed is immutable and inviolable. The idea that marriage is a union bewtween one man and one woman has been an axiom of American social belief for centuries, assumed to be true so universally that it was never questioned or even considered; now, the idea that it might mean something more has a lot of people upset.

And those people ain’t seen nothing yet.

In 1954, the first successful organ transplant on a human being took place. The patient had suffered kidney failure, and received a donated kidney from his twin brother, which gave him another eight years of life.

For the most part, the public was appalled.

The news of the first human transplant triggered an enormous backlash against doctors who were “playing god” by “cutting apart dead corpses and sewing the parts into living human beings like Frankenstein.” Nowadays, of course, human transplantation is as natural and as accepted as the idea that the earth revolves around the sun; in the US, about 100 such transplantations operations occur daily.

But we’re no smarter, nor more adaptable, than the Catholic church was three or four centuries ago, nor than the Great Unwashed were in the 1950s. We have our own hysterias today, two of the bigger ones being the public hysteria over cloning and over genetically modified food.

Every new technology brings fear along with it, and that is particularly true of biomedical technology. When it comes right down to it, we as human beings have two things working against us–first, we’re lazy, and don’t have the time or the energy or the inclination to get informed about anything, much less about complex and technically challenging issues. We prefer to make decisions based on lurid sound bites–“The doctors in that hospital are cutting up corpses and sewing the parts of dead people into live people!” Second, our sense of who we are is incredibly fragile, and our sense of our place in the world is even more fragile; the history of religion has been one of religious authorities drawing lines in the sand–“Okay, there’s a rational explanation for everything up to this point, but everything on the other side of this line is the province of God!”–and then moving the line when the state of understanding improves. At the end of the day, we are desperately afraid that we’re simply the result of a long series of accidents and natural processes, that everything about is is the sum total of a very big set of very complex natural phenomena, and that really, we’re all just making up our sense of meaning and purpose as we go along.

We’re scared. As we learn that the physical processes occurring in our brains create those things that we used to call a “soul,” we get more scared. As we learn to predict and to manipulate the most fundamental processes of life–as we learn that “life” is not some magical force created by some unknowable divine being for our exclusive benefit, but rather the consequence of some very specific forms of basic chemistry–we get more scared. And that fear leads us in some peculiar directions.

Like, for example, the fear that caused famine-plagued Zambia’s president Levy Mwanawasa to condemn many of his citizens to death by slow starvation when he barred the import of food from the United States on the grounds that the United States uses genetically modified grain, and genetically modified food is “poison.” “Experts” from the European Union, which has an economic interest in the equation, argued that genetically modified food might poze some kind of “hazard” and there was no absolute proof that it is safe; what seens to have been missed is that there is absolute proof that starvation is not safe. Indeed, it turned out to be deadly for nearly seven million people in all–people who, one suspects, would have been happy to eat any food at all rather than starve.

And if you think that’s bad, you still ain’t seen nothing yet.

Right now, as I type this, a group of researchers at MIT are inventing a brand-new field, one that they call “synthetic biology.” Synthetic biology is to genetic engineering what bridges are to fallen trees. With genetic engineering, you look around until you find a gene that does something you want, then stick it in some other cell. With synthetic biology, you decide what it is you want to do, then design and build an organism from the ground up that does it. Rather than getting across a river by looking for a tree that’s long enough and then dragging it to the right place, you design the perfect bridge, then build it entirely from scratch, without searching for dead trees anywhere. Genetic engineering can only create organisms that do what existing organisms already do; synthetic biology can create organisms that do anything at all. These guys are actually closing in on programmable nanotech assemblers, and they don’t even realize it.

They naively think that what they’re doing is working on ways to grow computer parts instead of etching them from silicon, the poor suckers. What they’re actually doing is custom-building living organisms for the purpose of creating whatever it is we want to create. As it stands now, people go all kinds of freaky-deaky if we do nothing more than move this bit of DNA over there–just wait ’til the public gets ahold of that!

The philosophy of one century is the common sense of the next–or, more precisely, the philosophy of one century is the common sense of the century three hundred years later. But technology doesn’t advance by the century; it advances by the decade, and sometimes by the month. Given the number of people who still feel profoundly threatned by Darwin, the notion of re-assembling matter on the most basic level is going to cause more than a few problems, especially when that matter we’re re-assembling is the stuff of living systems and most especially when the matter we’re re-assembling is us. After seeing the way people respond to Darwin, organ transplants, and genetically engineered corn, I’m thinking that perhaps Alcor is going to need to invest in some stone walls and antipersonnel mines before this is all done.

So there’s this “book meme” floating around…

Apparently, you’re supposed to

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 3 sentences on your blog along with these instructions.
5. Don’t you dare dig for that “cool” or “intellectual” book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest.

What’s amusing about that is the only book within reach of my computer right now doesn’t even belong to me; it’s a copy of The Gnostic Gospels, by Elaine Pagels, a history of Gnosticism.

The fifth sentence on page 123 reads, “For gnostics, exploring the psyche became explicitly what it is for many people today implicitly–a religious quest.”

In the view of one particular sect of Gnostics, the “Valentinians,” human beings are on the top of the divine pecking order, because human beings create the language of theology, and religious expression, without which the will of God can’t be known. Which is kind of an interesting way to look at religion, when it comes right down to it, though I somehow suspect exactly the same moral lesson could probably be drawn had the book closest to hand been one of the Calvin & Hobbes anthologies we have kicking around the place.

Spam subject of the day

“SEXUALLY-EXPLICIT:  aliphatic   coercion   amtrak”

Now, if you’re going to comply with the law and put the “SEXUALLY-EXPLICIT” in your subject, why bother to use a hash-busting random word generator in the rest of the subject line? People who’re filtering spam are going to filter on the “SEXUALLY-EXPLICIT” part of the subject line!

Unless it’s not random, and the spamvertised Web site really is about sexually explicit rape scenes involving organic compounds with an open-chain structure on trains…

…and if it is, man, there’s a kink I never knew about!

Okay, looking for some information…

…from those of you versed in non-disclosure agreements, the law, or both (with a particular nod at polyamarie)…

Suppose a person has signed a blanket, far-reacing non-disclosure agreement with a company. Does that NDA protect the company from disclosure of criminal activities on the part of that company? Does it matter if said criminal activities are a matter of civil tort (eg, copyright theft; exposing the credit card numbers, names, and addresses of thousands of customers), criminal activity (identity theft, fraud), or both? In short, if a person reveals ongoing criminal activity on the part of a company, can that person be sued for violation of the NDA?

Does the situation change if that person has, for example, screen shots of an exposed database of credit card numbers, or, say, a tape recording of company management talking about the identity theft and copyright violation?

(Note that this post is friends-only, for obvious reasons. And no, I’m not the one under the NDA; I’m enquiring on behalf of someone else.)

Link o’ the Week…

….and dear sweet reanimated undead Jesus, it’s a stinker.

America: a music video to commemorate 9/11.

It’s not a parody. Really. This guy, voice wavering with heartfelt emotion as he caterwauls wildly off-key to the accompaniment of waving flags and shining angels, is actually serious. What’s more, someone, somewhere, considers this video to be the high point of his entire life. I don’t know about you, but that’s enough to keep me sleepless at night.

Work-safe, but likely not safe for your stomach.