28 thoughts on “It’s the Terminator Kama Sutra!

  1. Oh god.. you know me and the whole cyborg thing…add in a random mad scientist and I’d be swooning. Well hell, too late, that’s f’ing hot. 🙂

  2. Oh god.. you know me and the whole cyborg thing…add in a random mad scientist and I’d be swooning. Well hell, too late, that’s f’ing hot. 🙂

    • It’ll never happen. I’m far too squeamish about things happening to eyes to even consider making such a request. I find it unnerving just to watch put in contact lenses, ferchrissake! :-/

  3. Golly! Um, uh… wow. I don’t really know what to say.

    I’ll admit- it is kind of hot. But there are problems:

    * Endoskeletons don’t have sex organs. The T-800 frame may be exclusively used in male models and therefore have a gender of sorts, but the actual gonads are entirely flesh bits.

    * The feet are modeled all wrong. This is a pretty big turnoff not because I have a foot fetish (I don’t), but rather because I have an endoskeleton fetish and the lack of authenticity is somewhat off-putting.

    * This is the big problem: they’re fucking. As twisted as this sounds that seriously reduces the eroticism. If they were flesh-covered cyborgs that might be a different story, but endoskeletons parodying human copulation sort of defeats the point. Call me a purist, but I want to see my hot & heavy metal being manufactured on a goddamn assembly line, as is proper for a machine! *That* gets my blood moving! I may have to go watch the teaser trailer for T2 or the opening credits for Ghost in the Shell to purge my visual buffer.

    I’m obviously reading this post long after you’ve posted it, but the timing is apropos. As much as my waking thoughts dwell upon post-apocalyptic battlefields, my dreams are almost always mundane and I can count on one hand the number of times terminators have ever appeared. Last night was one of them. I had a brief dream that started off as a nightmare- I was being chased by non-specific threats that were rapidly gaining on me. I rounded a corner and ran smack into a pair of endoskeletons. My immediate response? Relief. Their sudden appearance didn’t mean my doom- it meant that the cavalry had arrived. There was no sense of them being a threat to me at all, as we were clearly on the same side. I let them deal with my pursuers, the dream ceased to be a nightmare, and everything pretty much faded back to mundane stuff after that.

  4. Golly! Um, uh… wow. I don’t really know what to say.

    I’ll admit- it is kind of hot. But there are problems:

    * Endoskeletons don’t have sex organs. The T-800 frame may be exclusively used in male models and therefore have a gender of sorts, but the actual gonads are entirely flesh bits.

    * The feet are modeled all wrong. This is a pretty big turnoff not because I have a foot fetish (I don’t), but rather because I have an endoskeleton fetish and the lack of authenticity is somewhat off-putting.

    * This is the big problem: they’re fucking. As twisted as this sounds that seriously reduces the eroticism. If they were flesh-covered cyborgs that might be a different story, but endoskeletons parodying human copulation sort of defeats the point. Call me a purist, but I want to see my hot & heavy metal being manufactured on a goddamn assembly line, as is proper for a machine! *That* gets my blood moving! I may have to go watch the teaser trailer for T2 or the opening credits for Ghost in the Shell to purge my visual buffer.

    I’m obviously reading this post long after you’ve posted it, but the timing is apropos. As much as my waking thoughts dwell upon post-apocalyptic battlefields, my dreams are almost always mundane and I can count on one hand the number of times terminators have ever appeared. Last night was one of them. I had a brief dream that started off as a nightmare- I was being chased by non-specific threats that were rapidly gaining on me. I rounded a corner and ran smack into a pair of endoskeletons. My immediate response? Relief. Their sudden appearance didn’t mean my doom- it meant that the cavalry had arrived. There was no sense of them being a threat to me at all, as we were clearly on the same side. I let them deal with my pursuers, the dream ceased to be a nightmare, and everything pretty much faded back to mundane stuff after that.

  5. It’ll never happen. I’m far too squeamish about things happening to eyes to even consider making such a request. I find it unnerving just to watch put in contact lenses, ferchrissake! :-/

  6. Thanks for writing this. I just learned some new things about neurotransmitters.

    While I’m skeptical of uploading too (the abovementioned transporter problem; the digitized copy of your brain is just that, a copy), I’m also skeptical of your argument here. Genetic differences in how neurotransmitters work between individuals requires modelling all the molecules in the brain? I don’t follow.

    What if genetic differences were just treated as global settings in a brain model, affecting how each neurotransmitter works (IE more sensitivity to vasopresin, reduced oxytocin production). Compared to complexity of modelling the network of neurons and glial cells, adding a few settings and sliders to that model’s behavior would be trivial.

    Of course, adding in the parasites gets more interesting, but my guess would be a large proportion of them are themselves simply tweaking how the neurotransmitters work. Though at this point, we’ve barely scratched the surface on how many parasites/symbiotes affect human behavior, so we’re not going to know for sure how to account for them anytime soon.

    Would be ironic though, if they were the lion’s share of one’s personality, and sometime in the future a simple blood test could look at one’s genes and parasites and determine personality with high accuracy. Of course, that would make uploading a lot simpler…

  7. Thanks for writing this. I just learned some new things about neurotransmitters.

    While I’m skeptical of uploading too (the abovementioned transporter problem; the digitized copy of your brain is just that, a copy), I’m also skeptical of your argument here. Genetic differences in how neurotransmitters work between individuals requires modelling all the molecules in the brain? I don’t follow.

    What if genetic differences were just treated as global settings in a brain model, affecting how each neurotransmitter works (IE more sensitivity to vasopresin, reduced oxytocin production). Compared to complexity of modelling the network of neurons and glial cells, adding a few settings and sliders to that model’s behavior would be trivial.

    Of course, adding in the parasites gets more interesting, but my guess would be a large proportion of them are themselves simply tweaking how the neurotransmitters work. Though at this point, we’ve barely scratched the surface on how many parasites/symbiotes affect human behavior, so we’re not going to know for sure how to account for them anytime soon.

    Would be ironic though, if they were the lion’s share of one’s personality, and sometime in the future a simple blood test could look at one’s genes and parasites and determine personality with high accuracy. Of course, that would make uploading a lot simpler…

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