How to Make a Rope Harness…

…for people who can’t even tie a knot.

I’m working on a new Web site, which will contain, among other things, an extensive BDSM how-to section, complete with tutorials and guides. The first one I’m working on is a how-to for tying a rope harness, for folks like me who know next to nothing about knot-tying. Any feedback is appreciated, especially in terms of clarity of the written part of the direction.

The model is the lovely joreth.

WARNING: What lies beneath this cut is SO not work-safe that if you even think about clicking on the link while you are at work, your company’s IT Morlocks will rise from their caves behind the server room and drag you down into their lair, and you will never bee seen again. You’ve been warned.

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Franklin’s Journal Presents: How to Make Your Own Latex Catsuit…

…in just a few easy steps.

Things you will need:
One half-naked chick
Liquid latex
Foam brushes
One drop cloth
One Unitard
Saran wrap
Silicone-based sex lube (ID Millennium works well)

The first thing you’ll want to do spread out the drop cloth. In fact, it’s remarkable how many things one can do on a Saturday afternoon that start with "The first thing you’ll want to do spread out the drop cloth"…but I digress.

Now, take the saran wrap…

No, not the Necronomicon photos yet…

…I’ll post those later today.

Instead, i want to complain about silicone.

The distribution of stress inside silicone rubber is fractal in nature. What that means is that silicone rubber tends to fail in unpredictable ways when it’s stressed. It never cleaves cleanly in the way that most solids do. It will rip or tear, always roughly and sometimes not at the point of greatest stress.

What that means is that carving, boring, and drilling a silicone dildo is exceptionally difficult and frustrating. It’s virtually impossible to get a clean hole through a silicone dildo, and the silicone can rip even when being sliced by a razor knife. It also deforms under stress, of course, so the cuts and holes assume an irregular shape when the stress is relieved.
