Fun Historical Facts #107: Abraham Lincoln and Han Solo

Not many folks know this, but at the end of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln was cloned.

The clone was genetically modified to gigantic proportions, then immediately frozen in Carbonite. Once his life signs were stable, the gigantic clone of Abraham Lincoln was transported to Laramie, Wyoming, where he would remain in storage until the zombie apocalypse.

When that day comes, Lincoln will be free of his Carbonite shell, ready to offer his leadership to save the Union once again. Folks around these parts sleep easier knowing that Lincoln stands ever ready, prepared once more to save us all.

Liam’s Big Adventure: Day 3

Definitely in the home stretch now. Covered 471 miles today, including a jog to Venango, Nebraska, the town where I grew up. It was interesting to revisit Venango for the first time in 29 years; it re-awoke memories I barely even knew I still had.

Liam is now almost totally adapted to life on the road, and is starting to enjoy the trip almost as much as zaiah and I are.