…as requested…

…just in time for the end-run up to the American Presidential election.

Several folks have asked me if I’d be willing to make a bumper sticker version of the “I love sex and I vote” userpic I made a while ago, and since I happened to have a bit of spare time this afternoon, I thought, why not?

So, here it is. Clicky on the pic if you’d like one!

8 thoughts on “…as requested…

  1. Woot! You are a Genius and a mind-reader to boot!

    A few years ago, Blowfish sold a bumper sticker “I read smut and I vote”, which I encouraged them to sell. It was my favorite (and only) bumpersticker. I’m happy to see you’ve made a worthy successor to my first bumpersticker.


  2. Woot! You are a Genius and a mind-reader to boot!

    A few years ago, Blowfish sold a bumper sticker “I read smut and I vote”, which I encouraged them to sell. It was my favorite (and only) bumpersticker. I’m happy to see you’ve made a worthy successor to my first bumpersticker.


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